Palazzo Vendramin Grimani
San Polo, 2033
30125, Venice
T +39 041 8727 750
C.F. 94096710275
To celebrate one of the Serenissima's most extraordinary cultural manifestations, Palazzo Vendramin Grimani will be hosting a conference presented by French Professor of Modern History at the University of Grenoble Alpes, Gilles Bertrand, based on his book Histoire du Carnaval de Venise, XIe-XXIe siècle (History of the Venice Carnival, 11th - 21st century), to tell the story of this 11 century long tradition.
Friday 25 February, 6.30 pm. Free event reservation mandatory.
Event in French.
Event by the Alliance Française of Venice with the support of Fondazione dell'Albero d'Oro.
Gilles Bertrand
Gilles Bertrand, professor of modern history at the University of Grenoble Alpes, is interested in the relations between the Italian peninsula and France, the cultural history of Italy and travel in Europe from the end of the 17th to the beginning of the 19th century. He is a specialist in the festivities and the mask in Venice, as well as in travel in Europe in the 18th century, subjects on which he has published several works. Among his books:
• Le Grand Tour revisited. Le voyage des Français en Italie milieu XVIIIe-début XIXe siècle (Rome, École française de Rome, 2008, republished in Les Classiques, 2021),
• Histoire du carnaval de Venise, XIe-XXIe siècle (Paris, Pygmalion, 2013, republished coll. Texto, Tallandier, 2017; an Italian version in the making by Cierre Ed., 2022),
• La France et l'Italie. Histoire de deux nations sœurs, de 1660 à nos jours (with J.-Y. Frétigné and A. Giacone, Paris, Colin, 2016),
• Nos Italies (with R. Escomel, Grâne, Créaphis, coll. Format Passeport, 2021).
He has edited some twenty collective works, coordinated with J. Ehrard an edition of Montesquieu's travels (Mes voyages, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2012) and edited with M. Pieretti the travel diary of a Roman marquise at the end of the 18th century (Una marchesa in viaggio per l'Italia, Rome, Viella, 2019).