
Per non perdere il filo. Karine N'guyen Van Tham - Parul Thacker

20 April – 24 November 2024
video: Maco Film & Communication

Collateral Event of the 60th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia

Palazzo Vendramin Grimani

Palazzo Vendramin Grimani reopens its doors with an exhibition Collateral Event of the 60th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia entitled Per non perdere il filo. Karine N'guyen Van Tham - Parul Thacker, (‘So as not to lose the thread’) conceived and produced by tFondazione dell'Albero d'Oro and curated by Daniela Ferretti.

The French-Vietnamese artist Karine N'guyen Van Tham (Marseille, 1988) and the Indian artist Parul Thacker (Mumbai, 1973) have been invited to confront themselves with the spaces of the historic residence on the Grand Canal in San Polo. Both will spend a period in Venice starting at the end of February and will collaborate on the installation of the exhibition, also with site-specific works conceived for the spaces of Palazzo Vendramin Grimani.

Different by origin, training, sensitivity and methods of expression, Karine N'guyen Van Tham and Parul Thacker will build their dialogue around the privileged theme of the thread (hence the term ‘filo’ in the title of the exhibition, which translates as ‘So as not to lose the thread’), intended as an expressive medium, a source of inspiration, a metaphor that alludes to writing; one that develops physically in the braiding, in the weaving and in the art of embroidery.

The spaces of the ancient Venetian residence will thus welcome the delicately poetic, intimate and frugal works of Karine N'guyen Van Tham and the multi-material, expressive and spiritual ones of Parul Thacker.

Per non perdere il filo. Karine N’guyen Van Tham – Parul Thacker is a project realised with the support of Fondation Etrillard.