
The possible translations: readings by Eça de Queirós, António Nobre and Camilo Pessanha

13 November 2023 — 5:30pm

The Possible Translations: Readings by Eça de Queirós, António Nobre and Camilo Pessanha is the concluding moment of the cycle "Dialoghi fin de siècle: letteratura e modernità in Portogallo", dedicated to the disclosure of late 19th century authors available in Italian translation. The meeting acts as a counterbalance to the previous ones and, taking note of the lack of Italian translations of fundamental works of Portuguese literature of the period, will focus on the reading of selected passages and poems, specially translated for the meeting, with the hope that Italian translations of the authors presented may take shape in the near future. Introduced by Vanessa Castagna (DSLCC, Ca' Foscari University), read by Massimiliano Cortivo.

Italian and Portuguese Meeting.

Meeting promoted by the Department of Comparative Linguistic and Cultural Studies, Ca' Foscari University with the support of the Embassy of Portugal in Rome and the Camões I.P. and Fondazione dell'Albero d'Oro.

Free event.

Booking required.